Fundraising as always continues. Cindy Burianek, our fundraising chairperson has suggested that we have another ex-pen raffle but in a grander style. She plans to raffle an ex-pen, grooming table and set of clippers as supersized raffle! Contact Cindy for more details
Any other ideas for fundraising should be mentioned to Cindy.
Please pass the word about those pups you are proud of. It is hard to know who to congratulate if you don't share those wins.
Some wins that I know about include....
JJ won another placement in Jr Handling! He is now in the open Juniors class.
ASC Futurity
coming soon
ASC Regular Classes
coming soon
Barrel Valley
Bonnie wins her first point at Washington, PA
Bull finishes his championship in West Friendship, MD
Tori wins 2 more singles in Madison, OH
Wendy's Robyn wins her first point at South Hills show!!
Please take the time to check out and or suggest changes at our club's website.
Also notice that several pages allow/encourage you to leave contact information for visitors. Send me (Shannon) and e-mail stating which pages you would like to be included on.
Especially these pages... Breeders and Membership
If anyone would be willing to be editor on the following pages which have not been finished yet, your help would be welcome.
I have been thinking that we could add a field page. Would anyone like write the text for such a page?
Send any tidbits that you think could improve our site to Shannon.
CSCWP is meeting at member homes. The Board of Directors is looking for a new meeting place. If you know of a centrally located site please recomend it for consideration. For questions contact Joan or Shannon.
Directions to Jeff Hanlin's home: